
Hierarchies are important for explanatory variables. There are three types supported by PiArgus.


The FlatHierarchy is used by default if no hierarchy is specified. All codes add up to a single total.

import piargus as pa

datacol = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"]
hierarchy = pa.FlatHierarchy(total_code="Total")

This creates a simple structure where all values are aggregated into one total.

        graph LR;
Total --> A;
Total --> B;
Total --> C;


A LevelHierarchy is used when the hierarchical relationships are encoded directly within the data.

import piargus as pa

datacol = ["11123", "11234", "23456"]
hierarchy = pa.LevelHierarchy(levels=[2, 3], total_code="Total")

In this example, the first two digits represent a higher-level grouping, and the next 3 digits represent a more detailed level within that group.

        graph LR;
Total --> 11;
Total --> 23;
11 --> 123;
11 --> 234;
23 --> 456;


A TreeHierarchy is used for complex hierarchies, typically stored in .hrc files.

import piargus as pa

datacol = ["PV20", "PV21", "PV22"]
hierarchy = pa.TreeHierarchy.from_hrc("provinces.hrc", total_code="NL01")

These hierarchies have a tree-like structure.

        graph LR;
NL01 --> LD01;
NL01 --> LD02;
LD01 --> PV20;
LD01 --> PV21;
LD02 --> PV22;

Creating a TreeHierarchy programmatically

You can also create a TreeHierarchy programmatically, without relying on an external .hrc file.

import piargus as pa

hierarchy = pa.TreeHierarchy(total_code="NL01")
hierarchy.create_node(["LD01", "PV20"])
hierarchy.create_node(["LD01", "PV21"])
hierarchy.create_node(["LD02", "PV22"])

Attaching a hierarchy to inputdata

To apply a hierarchy to your data, simply pass the hierarchy as part of the MicroData or TableData constructor:

import piargus as pa

pa.MicroData(data_df, ...,
             hierarchies = {"region": region_hierarchy})

This will apply the specified region_hierarchy to the region column in your data.