Source code for abstracttree.route

import itertools
from abc import ABCMeta
from bisect import bisect
from import Sized, Sequence, MutableSequence
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import TypeVar, Optional

from .tree import UpTree

TNode = TypeVar("TNode", bound=UpTree)

[docs]class Route: """Representation of a route trough adjacent nodes in the tree. Two nodes are adjacent if they have a parent-child relationship. The route will be as short as possible, but it will visit the anchor points in order. """ __slots__ = "_apaths", "_lca" def __init__(self, *anchors: TNode): """Create a route through a few nodes. All nodes should belong to the same tree. """ self._apaths: MutableSequence[Sequence[TNode]] = [] self._lca = None for anchor in anchors: self.add_anchor(anchor) def __repr__(self): nodes_str = ", ".join([str(path[-1].identifier) for path in self._apaths]) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({nodes_str})"
[docs] def add_anchor(self, anchor: TNode): """Add a node to the route. The node should belong to the same tree as any existing anchor nodes. """ self._lca = None path = tuple(anchor.path) apaths = self._apaths if apaths and not apaths[0][0].eqv(path[0]): raise ValueError("Different tree!") else: apaths.append(path)
@property def anchors(self): """View of the anchor nodes.""" return AnchorsView(self, self._apaths) @property def nodes(self): """View of all nodes that make up the route.""" return NodesView(self, self._apaths) @property def edges(self): """View of all edges that make up the route.""" return EdgesView(self, self._apaths) @property def lca(self) -> Optional[TNode]: """The least common ancestor of all anchor nodes.""" paths = self._apaths path0 = min(paths, key=len) indices = range(len(path0)) if i := bisect( indices, False, key=lambda ind: any(not path0[ind].eqv(p[ind]) for p in paths), ): lca = self._lca = path0[i - 1] return lca else: return None @lru_cache def _common2(self, i, j) -> int: path_i, path_j = self._apaths[i], self._apaths[j] indices = range(min(len(path_i), len(path_j))) return bisect(indices, False, key=lambda ind: not path_i[ind].eqv(path_j[ind])) - 1
class RouteView(Sized, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self, route, apaths): self._route = route self._apaths = apaths def count(self): # Counting takes logarithmic time, so we define len in subclasses return len(self) class AnchorsView(RouteView): def __len__(self): return len(self._apaths) def __getitem__(self, item): return self._apaths[item][-1] class NodesView(RouteView): def __iter__(self): indices = range(len(self._apaths)) path_j = None for i, j in itertools.pairwise(indices): path_i, path_j = self._apaths[i : j + 1] c = self._route._common2(i, j) yield from path_i[:c:-1] + path_j[c:-1] if path_j: yield path_j[-1] def __reversed__(self): indices = range(len(self._apaths)) path_i = None for j, i in itertools.pairwise(indices[::-1]): path_i, path_j = self._apaths[i : j + 1] c = self._route._common2(i, j) yield from path_j[:c:-1] + path_i[c:-1] if path_i: yield path_i[-1] def __len__(self): s = 1 indices = range(len(self._apaths)) for i, j in itertools.pairwise(indices): p1, p2 = self._apaths[i : j + 1] s += len(p1) + len(p2) - 2 * self._route._common2(i, j) - 2 return s class EdgesView(RouteView): def __iter__(self): return itertools.pairwise(self._route.nodes) def __reversed__(self): return itertools.pairwise(reversed(self._route.nodes)) def __len__(self): return len(self._route.nodes) - 1