Source code for abstracttree.export

import functools
import io
import itertools
import operator
import subprocess
import sys
from import Iterable, Mapping
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Callable, TypedDict, Tuple, Any, TypeVar, Optional

from .predicates import PreventCycles, MaxDepth
from .tree import DownTree, Tree

__all__ = [

class Style(TypedDict):
    branch: str
    last: str
    vertical: str

    "square": Style(branch="├─", last="└─", vertical="│ "),
    "square-4": Style(branch="├──", last="└──", vertical="│  "),
    "square-arrow": Style(branch="├→", last="└→", vertical="│ "),
    "round": Style(branch="├─", last="╰─", vertical="│ "),
    "round-4": Style(branch="├──", last="╰──", vertical="│  "),
    "round-arrow": Style(branch="├→", last="╰→", vertical="│ "),
    "ascii": Style(branch="|--", last="`--", vertical="|  "),
    "ascii-arrow": Style(branch="|->", last="`->", vertical="|  "),
    "list": Style(branch="-", last="-", vertical=" "),

# By default, all exporters are limited to a depth of 5.

def _wrap_file(f):
    """Make sure file can be used in 3 ways:

    1) None (default) -> Return result as string
    2) str / path (filename) -> Write to filename
    3) Filebuffer -> Write to filebuffer

    def new_f(tree, file=None, *args, **kwargs):
        if file is None:
            file = io.StringIO()
            f(tree, file=file, *args, **kwargs)
            return file.getvalue()
        elif not hasattr(file, "write"):
            with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as writer:
                f(tree, writer, *args, **kwargs)
            f(tree, file=file, *args, **kwargs)

    return new_f

[docs]@_wrap_file def to_string( tree: DownTree, formatter=str, *, file=None, style: Union[str, Style] = "square", keep=None, ): """Converts tree to a string in a pretty format.""" tree = Tree.convert(tree) if isinstance(style, str): style = DEFAULT_STYLES[style] empty_style = len(style["last"]) * " " lookup1 = [empty_style, style["vertical"]] lookup2 = [style["last"], style["branch"]] for pattern, node in _iterate_patterns(tree, keep=keep): for i, line in enumerate(formatter(node).splitlines()): if node is not tree: if i == 0: _write_indent(file, pattern, lookup1, lookup2) else: _write_indent(file, pattern, lookup1, lookup1) file.write(" ") file.write(line) file.write("\n")
def _iterate_patterns(tree, keep): # Yield for each node a list of continuation indicators. # The continuation indicator tells us whether the branch at a certain level is continued. pattern = [] yield pattern, tree for node, item in tree.descendants.preorder(keep=keep): del pattern[item.depth - 1 :] is_continued = item.index < len(node.parent.children) - 1 pattern.append(is_continued) yield pattern, node def _write_indent(file, pattern, lookup1, lookup2): # Based on calculated patterns, this will substitute an indent line if pattern: for is_continued in pattern[:-1]: file.write(lookup1[is_continued]) file.write(" ") file.write(lookup2[pattern[-1]])
[docs]def plot_tree(tree: Tree, ax=None, formatter=str, keep=DEFAULT_PREDICATE, annotate_args=None): """Plot the tree using matplotlib (if installed).""" # Roughly based on sklearn.tree.plot_tree() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt tree = Tree.convert(tree) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.clear() ax.set_axis_off() kwargs = dict( ha="center", va="center", arrowprops={"arrowstyle": "<-"}, xycoords="axes fraction", bbox={"fc": ax.get_facecolor()}, ) if annotate_args: kwargs.update(annotate_args) nodes_xy = {} tree_height = max(it.depth for _, it in tree.descendants.preorder(keep=keep)) for depth, level in zip(range(tree_height + 1), tree.levels): level = list(level) for i, node in enumerate(level): x = (i + 1) / (len(level) + 1) y = 1 - depth / tree_height kwargs["zorder"] = 100 - 10 * depth if node is tree: ax.annotate(formatter(node), (x, y), **kwargs) else: parent = nodes_xy[node.parent.nid] ax.annotate(formatter(node), parent, (x, y), **kwargs) nodes_xy[node.nid] = x, y return ax
TNode = TypeVar("TNode", bound=DownTree) TShape = Union[Tuple[str, str], str, Callable[[TNode], Union[Tuple[str, str], str]]] NodeAttributes = Union[Mapping[str, Any], Callable[[TNode], Mapping[str, Any]]] EdgeAttributes = Union[Mapping[str, Any], Callable[[TNode, TNode], Mapping[str, Any]]] GraphAttributes = Mapping[str, Any]
[docs]def to_image( tree: Tree, file=None, how="dot", *args, **kwargs, ): """Export to image. Uses graphviz(dot) or mermaid. If file is str or Path, save file under given name. If file is None (default), return image as bytes. If file is writable (binary), write to it. """ if how == "dot": if file is None: return _image_dot(tree, file=subprocess.PIPE, *args, **kwargs) elif hasattr(file, "write"): _image_dot(tree, file, *args, **kwargs) else: filepath = Path(file) if "file_format" not in kwargs: kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs.setdefault("file_format", filepath.suffix[1:]) with open(filepath, "bw") as file: _image_dot(tree, file, *args, **kwargs) elif how == "mermaid": _image_mermaid(tree, Path(file), *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def to_pillow(tree: Tree, **kwargs): """Convert tree to pillow-format (uses graphviz on the background).""" from PIL import Image if "file_format" not in kwargs: kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs.setdefault("file_format", "png") return, file=None, how="dot", **kwargs)))
def to_reportlab(tree: Tree, **kwargs): """Convert tree to drawing for use with reportlab package.""" from svglib.svglib import svg2rlg if "file_format" not in kwargs: kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs.setdefault("file_format", "svg") svg_bytes = to_image(tree, **kwargs) drawing = svg2rlg(io.BytesIO(svg_bytes)) return drawing def _image_dot( tree: Tree, file=None, file_format="png", program_path="dot", **kwargs, ): args = [str(program_path), "-T", file_format] process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=file, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) to_dot(tree, file=io.TextIOWrapper(process.stdin, encoding="utf-8"), **kwargs) process.stdin.close() (output, errors) = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise Exception(errors.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")) return output def _image_mermaid( tree: Tree, filename, program_path="mmdc", **kwargs, ): args = [str(program_path), "--input", "-", "--output", str(filename)] process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) to_mermaid(tree, file=io.TextIOWrapper(process.stdin, encoding="utf-8"), **kwargs) process.stdin.close() (output, errors) = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise Exception(errors.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")) return output
[docs]@_wrap_file def to_dot( tree: Tree, file=None, keep=DEFAULT_PREDICATE, node_name: Union[str, Callable[[TNode], str], None] = None, node_label: Union[str, Callable[[TNode], str], None] = str, node_shape: TShape = None, node_attributes: NodeAttributes = None, edge_attributes: EdgeAttributes = None, graph_attributes: GraphAttributes = None, ): """Export to `graphviz <>`_.""" tree = Tree.convert(tree) if node_name is None: node_name = _node_name_default if node_attributes is None: node_attributes = dict() else: node_attributes = dict(node_attributes) edge_attributes = edge_attributes or dict() graph_attributes = graph_attributes or dict() if node_label and "label" not in node_attributes: node_attributes["label"] = _makecallable(node_label) if node_shape and "shape" not in node_attributes: node_attributes["shape"] = node_shape node_static, node_dynamic = _split_attributes(node_attributes) edge_static, edge_dynamic = _split_attributes(edge_attributes) arrow = "->" file.write("strict digraph tree {\n") if graph_attributes: attrs = _handle_attributes(graph_attributes, tree) file.write(f"graph{attrs};\n") if node_static: attrs = _handle_attributes(node_static, tree) file.write(f"node{attrs};\n") if edge_static: attrs = _handle_attributes(edge_static, tree, tree) file.write(f"edge{attrs};\n") nodes = [] for node, _ in tree.nodes.levelorder(keep=PreventCycles() & keep): nodes.append(node) name = _escape_string(node_name(node), "dot") attrs = _handle_attributes(node_dynamic, node) file.write(f"{name}{attrs};\n") nodes = iter(nodes) next(nodes) for node in nodes: parent_name = _escape_string(node_name(node.parent), "dot") child_name = _escape_string(node_name(node), "dot") attrs = _handle_attributes(edge_dynamic, node.parent, node) file.write(f"{parent_name}{arrow}{child_name}{attrs};\n") file.write("}\n")
def _split_attributes(attributes: Union[NodeAttributes, EdgeAttributes]): static = {k: v for (k, v) in attributes.items() if not callable(v)} dynamic = {k: v for (k, v) in attributes.items() if callable(v)} return static, dynamic def _handle_attributes(attributes, *args): res = [] for k, v in attributes.items(): if callable(v): v = v(*args) res.append(f"{k}={_escape_string(v, 'dot')}") if res: return "[" + "".join(res) + "]" else: return "" DEFAULT_SHAPES = { "box": ("[", "]"), "rectangle": ("[", "]"), "round": ("(", ")"), "stadium": ("([", "])"), "subroutine": ("[[", "]]"), "asymmetric": (">", "]"), "circle": ("((", "))"), "double-circle": ("(((", ")))"), "doublecircle": ("(((", ")))"), "rhombus": ("{", "}"), "hexagon": ("{{", "}}"), "parallelogram": ("[/", "/]"), "inv-parallelogram": ("[\\", r"\]"), "invparallelogram": ("[\\", r"\]"), "trapezium": ("[/", r"\]"), "inv-trapezium": ("[\\", "/]"), }
[docs]@_wrap_file def to_mermaid( tree: Tree, file=None, keep=DEFAULT_PREDICATE, node_name: Union[str, Callable[[TNode], str], None] = None, node_label: Union[str, Callable[[TNode], str], None] = str, node_shape: TShape = "box", edge_arrow: Union[str, Callable[[TNode, TNode], str]] = "-->", graph_direction: str = "TD", ): """Export to `mermaid <>`_.""" tree = Tree.convert(tree) if node_name is None: node_name = _node_name_default if isinstance(node_shape, str): node_shape = DEFAULT_SHAPES[node_shape] # Output header file.write(f"graph {graph_direction};\n") # Output nodes nodes = [] # Stop automatic garbage collecting for node, _ in tree.nodes.levelorder(keep=PreventCycles() & keep): left, right = _get_shape(node_shape, node) name = node_name(node) if node_label: text = _escape_string(node_label(node), "mermaid") file.write(f"{name}{left}{text}{right};\n") else: file.write(f"{name};\n") nodes.append(node) # Output edges nodes = iter(nodes) next(nodes) for node in nodes: arrow = edge_arrow(node.parent, node) if callable(edge_arrow) else edge_arrow parent = node_name(node.parent) child = node_name(node) file.write(f"{parent}{arrow}{child};\n")
[docs]@_wrap_file def to_latex( tree, file=None, keep=DEFAULT_PREDICATE, node_label: Union[str, Callable[[TNode], str], None] = str, node_shape: TShape = None, leaf_distance: Optional[str] = "2em", level_distance: Optional[str] = None, node_options: Iterable[Union[str, Callable[[TNode], str]]] = (), picture_options: Iterable[Union[str, Callable[[TNode], str]]] = (), graph_direction: str = "right", indent: Union[str, int] = 4, align="center", ): """Export to latex (experimental). Make sure to put ``\\usepackage{tikz}`` in your preamble. Does not wrap output in a figure environment. """ tree = DownTree.convert(tree) if isinstance(indent, int): indent = "\t" if indent == -1 else indent * " " picture_options = list(picture_options) if align is not None: picture_options.append(f"align={align}") if leaf_distance: distances = _sibling_distances(tree) for level in range(1, len(distances)): sibling_distance = f"{distances[level]:g}*{leaf_distance}" option = f"\nlevel {level}/.style = {{sibling distance = {sibling_distance}}}" picture_options.append(option) if level_distance: picture_options.append(f"level distance = {level_distance}") node_options = list(node_options) if node_shape: node_options.append(node_shape) node_options.append("draw") depth = 0 label = _escape_string(node_label(tree), "latex") file.write(rf"\begin{{tikzpicture}}{_latex_options(tree, picture_options)}") file.write("\n") options = _latex_options(tree, node_options) file.write(rf"\node{options}{{{label}}} [grow={graph_direction}]") for node, item in tree.descendants.preorder(keep=keep): if item.depth > depth: file.write("\n") else: file.write("}\n") for back in range(depth - 1, item.depth - 1, -1): file.write(back * indent + "}\n") depth = item.depth file.write(depth * indent) label = _escape_string(node_label(node), "latex") options = _latex_options(tree, node_options) file.write(f"child {{node{options} {{{label}}}") # Close final leaf node on same line if depth: depth -= 1 file.write("}") # Close open nodes file.write("\n") for back in range(depth, 0, -1): file.write(back * indent + "}\n") file.write(r"\end{tikzpicture}")
def _latex_options(node, options): output = [] for option in options: if callable(option): output.append(str(option(node))) else: output.append(str(option)) if not output: return "" else: joined = ",".join(output) return f"[{joined}]" def _sibling_distances(tree, stop=100): """Calculate sibling distances in such a way that nodes don't overlap. The chosen strategy is to multiply level ranks from bottom to top. It assumes sibling distance is constant for each level. Parameter stop is used to prevent infinite recursion. """ level_ranks = [] for level, _ in zip(tree.levels, range(stop)): cousins = itertools.pairwise(level) mid_ranks = [(len(n1.children) + len(n2.children)) / 2 for n1, n2 in cousins] level_ranks.append(max(max(mid_ranks), 1) if mid_ranks else 1) distances = len(level_ranks) * [1] for level in reversed(range(len(level_ranks) - 1)): distances[level] = level_ranks[level] * distances[level + 1] return distances def _node_name_default(node: DownTree): return hex(node.nid) def _get_shape(shape_factory, node): if callable(shape_factory): shape = shape_factory(node) if isinstance(shape, str): shape = DEFAULT_SHAPES[shape] else: shape = shape_factory return shape def _makecallable(f): if isinstance(f, str): f = operator.attrgetter(f) return f def _escape_string(text, what) -> str: if isinstance(text, LiteralText): return text text = str(text) if what == "dot": text = '"' + text.replace('"', '\\"') + '"' elif what == "mermaid": text = text.replace("#", "#35;") text = text.replace("`", "#96;") text = text.replace('"', "#quot;") elif what == "latex": text = text.replace("\\", r"\textbackslash") special_chars = "#$%&_{}" for char in special_chars: text = text.replace(char, f"\\{char}") text = text.replace("~", r"\~{}") text = text.replace("^", r"\^{}") text = text.replace("\n", r"\\") return text
[docs]class LiteralText(str): pass